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Westwood Works 1903-2003


A Bowling Green was created by Werner, Pfleiderer & Perkins in 1912. When the Alma Road Ground was purchased in 1919, a Bowling Green was laid at a cost of £47.10s 0d. A new Bowling Green was laid adjacent to the Tennis Courts in March 1935 and a Bowls pavilion constructed. A new, full size Green was constructed incorporating the fourth Tennis Court and opened by the then President, Mr G. Lewis, in June 1950.

The Peterborough & District Bowling League Fixture List from 1914 - the year that WW1 broke out - with "Westwood Works" featured


1920 - 1969

1920: Westwood Works Team 1946: Westwood Works Bowls Team - Winners of Peterborough League 1955: Bowls Section 1951: Winners Peterborough & District Bowls League
1968: David Rayner wins National Championships 1964: Inter- Department Competition Presentation 1969: Bowls Club Presentation Evening

1970 - 1979

1970: Derek Westwood wins the Burbage Cup 1972 - Winners Westwood Works Triples Cup 1976: Bowls Club Singles Finalists 1976: English Bowling Federation - 3 Woods Champions 1977: Northants Bowls Federation - Triples Finalists 1977: Sports Club President's Bowls Team 1977: Bowls Club Presentation
1977: Westwood Bowls Team 1977: Northants Bowls Federation Finals at Alma Road 1977: Bakery Division v Management 1978: Presentation Evening 1979: County Champions 1979: Hunts EBA County Pairs Winners 1979: Dinner/ Presentation Evening
1979: Bowls Section Competition Finalists 1979: Bowls Competition - Pairs Champions 1979: Bowls Competition - Champions 1979: Bowls Competition - Singles Champion 1979: Hunts EBA County Fours Winners

1980 - Present

1980: New Trophy for Plate Shop Bowlers 1980: Bowls Club Fixture Card 1980: Bowls Club Triples Winners 1981: Plate Shop Team - Norman Howitt Shield 1981: Winners of Norman Howitt Shield 1981?: Playing for the Norman Howitt Trophy 1981?: Playing for the Norman Howitt Trophy
1983: L70 B Team win the Division A Inter-D Bowls League 1983: 65th Anniversary Match V EBA 1983: Mick Johnson elected President - Hunts EBA 1984: Bowls Team against Forgrove 1986: Westwood Bowls Team 1986: New Trophy in Memory of Mike Gilgan 1986: Lady Bowlers
Date?: Plate Shop Inter-D Bowls Winners Date?: Westwood Bowls Team Date?: Westwood Bowls Team The Bowls Club's Visitors Board Date?: Westwood Bowls Team Date?: Bowls Dinner at Westwood Works Date?: Bowls Section Badge

Bowls Club Badges

The Westwood Works Bowls teams played games against not only other companies in the Baker Perkins Group but also against teams from other large companies throughout the country. Ex-players will no doubt find a few memories among the large display of club badges collected by Bill Fletcher.

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